The Wisdom of Old Diane Ravitch

It’s kind of sad to see the bizarre behavior of Diane Ravitch as she bathes in the adoration of her new found friends and financiers.  In just the last hour Diane sent out 14 tweets.  14!  Doesn’t she have anything better to do than to shower the world with such nuggets as:

“unions protect teachers against arbitrary firing, defend education budget in Legislature, Congress.

When does she have time to adjust her medication?

But as Matt noted over the weekend, someone has taken to “tweeting” under the name “Old Diane Ravitch,” sending quotations from Ravitch’s earlier writings.  And those claims are almost as hyperbolic in the opposite direction as are her current claims.

All of this raises the same question that I raised before about whether Ravitch is really a great scholar.  She hardly seems like a serious person.  And it seems perfectly possible to me that her current horde of devoted followers are just as delusional as were her previous horde.  They just like her for saying things that they want to hear and have no ability to judge the substance behind her various claims.

While I’ve never been a Ravitch fan and have always found her to be a bit of an authoritarian blow-hard (then and now), here are some tidbits of wisdom from Old Diane Ravitch that are just hilarious in contrast to her current declarations:

Old Diane Ravitch
OldDianeRavitch Old Diane Ravitch
I object to the practice of assigning new teachers to troubled schools, often as a result of union seniority rules.
Old Diane Ravitch
OldDianeRavitch Old Diane Ravitch
Thanks for the follow @m_rhee — the next tweet’s for you!
Old Diane Ravitch
OldDianeRavitch Old Diane Ravitch
@m_rhee The system we have serves adults, not children. Let’s reverse that formula.
Old Diane Ravitch
OldDianeRavitch Old Diane Ravitch
The public school system would be strengthened by the ability to shut down bad schools.
Old Diane Ravitch
OldDianeRavitch Old Diane Ravitch
It is unjust there is no realistic way to force the closure of schools that students and parents would abandon if they could.
Old Diane Ravitch
OldDianeRavitch Old Diane Ravitch
If the current system is successful for only half of students, then new approaches must be sought to help everyone else
Old Diane Ravitch
OldDianeRavitch Old Diane Ravitch
The challenge to public education today is not to reinforce the correlation between achievement and social class, but to sever it.
Old Diane Ravitch
OldDianeRavitch Old Diane Ravitch
There is a tendency to rationalize poor performance by implying that poverty equals destiny and so no one is to blame for failure.
Old Diane Ravitch
OldDianeRavitch Old Diane Ravitch

@DianeRavitch Without testing, there is no consistent way to measure success or failure.
Old Diane Ravitch
OldDianeRavitch Old Diane Ravitch

@DianeRavitch Future self, I can tell that you are going to be a formidable opponent.
Old Diane Ravitch
OldDianeRavitch Old Diane Ravitch

@DianeRavitch Many states are clamoring to reduce class size, but few are grappling with the most important questions.
Old Diane Ravitch
OldDianeRavitch Old Diane Ravitch

@DianeRavitch Public contracting is often referred to as “privatization,” but that label is misleading.
Old Diane Ravitch
OldDianeRavitch Old Diane Ravitch
It may be harder to graduate from high school than to become a certified teacher.
Old Diane Ravitch
OldDianeRavitch Old Diane Ravitch

@MichaelPetrilli I agree. Every school should have the power to select its own teachers, remove the incompetents.
Old Diane Ravitch
OldDianeRavitch Old Diane Ravitch
Texas model has successfully improved the performance of black and Hispanic students, particularly in math and writing
Old Diane Ravitch
OldDianeRavitch Old Diane Ravitch
Congress should focus on the quality, not quantity, of the nation’s teaching corps.
Old Diane Ravitch
OldDianeRavitch Old Diane Ravitch
NYC schools chancellor should have the power to close schools that consistently fail or engage in corrupt practices.
Old Diane Ravitch
OldDianeRavitch Old Diane Ravitch
Every classroom should have a well-educated, knowledgeable teacher. We are far from that goal today.

2 Responses to The Wisdom of Old Diane Ravitch

  1. If it is accurate that Diane Ravitch joined Twitter on July 22, 2009 and if she has “tweeted” 9,403 times since then (as is currently indicated on her Twitter page), then she has tweeted an average 14.62 times per day. That’s once every 57 minutes for every waking hour over the last 643 days.

    That sounds normal to me.

  2. […] Jay P. Greene on Diane Ravitch’s scholarship as an education historian: “All of this raises the same question that I raised before about whether Ravitch is really a great scholar.  She hardly seems like a serious person.  And it seems perfectly possible to me that her current horde of devoted followers are just as delusional as were her previous horde.  They just like her for saying things that they want to hear and have no ability to judge the substance behind her various claims.” (Jay P. Greene’s Blog) […]

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