Irony Alert!

(Guest Post by Matthew Ladner)

So the Edujobs bill apparently has a provision designed to keep states like Texas from keeping their rainy day funds dry and use federal bailout funds to maintain current expenditures. Apparently Texas did just that last time, and a number of Congressional Democrats went out of their way to get even with Texas Governor Rick Perry this time around. From

Texas is taking money out of the mouths of children and putting it somewhere else,” insisted Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Houston. “We have language in here to say to the governor of the state of Texas, ‘Don’t fool with money for our children and education.’ ”

I don’t know where to start with this…

Taking money out of the mouths of children? 

Better yet…

Putting it somewhere else?

Perhaps Rep. Jackson Lee got confused by the fact that this bailout is being paid for with a cut in Food Stamps. That’s called “taking food out of the mouths of children.”

Perhaps the Jackson Lee would like to take her foot out of her mouth and stick it…back in her shoe.

One Response to Irony Alert!

  1. Minnesota Kid says:

    Remember, this is the same Congresswoman who stated with certainty on the House floor that “We achieved victory in Vietnam. Today there are two Vietnams, one North and one South, living in peace.” I’m not sure that her foot EVER leaves her mouth!

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