Kansas Lawmakers Create Scholarship Tax Credit Program

(Guest Post by Matthew Ladner)

HB 2506 made it through the Kansas House and Senate last night and contains some significant education reforms, including a scholarship tax credit program, curbs on teacher tenure abuse and alternative teacher certification.  Congratulations to Kansas lawmakers and education reformers.  The “never say die” crew at the Kansas Policy Institute Dave Trabert and James Franko have earned a:


for their dedicated, determinedly fact-based efforts to improve Kansas education outcomes.

6 Responses to Kansas Lawmakers Create Scholarship Tax Credit Program

  1. Mike says:

    Reblogged this on This Got My Attention and commented:
    More education reform!

  2. […] along the Front Range, I just have to glance over to the east and see that Kansas of all places is on the verge of enacting a scholarship tax credit program to help low-income and special-needs students. As I understand it, House Bill 2506 just needs a […]

  3. Ginny Sand says:

    Bravo! Kansas in the forefront of real school reform! (Amazing what you can do now that you got rid of Sebelius! Unfortunately, she metasticized.) Good work!

  4. Jason Bedrick says:

    Double BOOOOOOOOOOM, Matt. It included both a scholarship tax credit program for low-income families and a personal-use tax credit.


  5. Jason Bedrick says:

    And now the Friedman Foundation says that the personal-use tax credit was not adopted by the committee. Shame.

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