NCLB Blamed for Ruining Teen Oral Sex

HT to Sara Mead for finding this incredible piece of research.  It is written in a language other than English, but if I remember how to translate properly stupid BS, this study appears to be claiming that an emphasis on individual academic achievement in school “crowds out” “the pleasure, choice, and mutuality” of teen fellatio and replaces it with an emphasis on “competence and skill usually associated with achievement and schooling.”  They know this from interviews with 98 girls between the ages of 12 and 17.

Here’s the abstract:

Young women’s narratives of their sexual experiences occur amid conflicting cultural discourses
of risk, abstinence, and moral panic. Yet young women, as social actors, find ways to make meaning of their
experiences through narrative. In this study, we focused on adolescent girls’ (N=98, age 12–17 years) narratives of their first experiences with oral sex. We document our unexpected findings of persistent discourses of performance which echo newly emergent academic achievement discourses. Burns and Torre (Feminism & Psychology 15 (1):21–26, 2005) argue that an extreme and high stakes focus on individual academic achievement in schools impoverishes young minds through the “hollowing” of their sexualities. We present evidence that such influence also works in the opposite direction, with an achievement orientation invading girls’ discourses of sexuality, “crowding out” possible narratives of pleasure, choice, and mutuality with narratives of competence and skill usually associated with achievement and schooling. We conclude with policy implications for the future development of “positive” sexuality narratives.

UPDATE — This is the abstract of the article, “‘It’s Like Doing Homework’  Academic Achievement Discourse in Adolescent Girls’ Fellatio Narratives” published in the journal Sexuality Research and Social Policy by professors from CUNY and University of Virginia.

5 Responses to NCLB Blamed for Ruining Teen Oral Sex

  1. Greg Forster says:

    Thank you for not putting an image on this post.

  2. bkisida says:

    So, let me get this straight: NCLB is working, we just haven’t been looking in the right domains?

  3. Alsadius says:

    So wait – smarter girls give less oral sex?

    Man, I am so torn now…

    • No, I think the study intends to claim that a focus on achievement in schools makes girls think more about their performance and enjoy it less. Perhaps that would be good for boys and bad for girls. Of course, if you believe any of this I have a bridge to the 21st century I’d like to sell to you.

  4. […] NCLB Blamed for Ruining Teen Oral Sex writes Jay Greene, after translating a scholarly article from “stupid BS” to English. . . . this study appears to be claiming that an emphasis on individual academic achievement in school “crowds out” “the pleasure, choice, and mutuality” of teen fellatio and replaces it with an emphasis on “competence and skill usually associated with achievement and schooling.” […]

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